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Why Energy Balance Is Important!

Laura from Shamanic Self

For the past decade or so I've been doing kayaking throughout the hot summer months here where I am. This past weekend I finally had the chance to try out something new: SUP, which is stand-up paddle boarding.

SUP is interesting, because it involves way more balance and coordination than kayaking and other water sports do. Once you get the hang out of it, you can do more things with it, such as acrobatics, stretching exercises and else. Some people were even able to do full-on hand-stands and head-stands at the end of our class.

What I noticed is that the people who were able to remain on the board throughout the 90-minute long class the longest had a few things in common:

  • This was not their first class.

  • They had better coordination.

  • They kept their eyes on a steady point.

  • They were not swayed much by the falling people around them.

  • Some "refused" to fall by not participating in the hard exercises.

Similar to finding our physical balance, especially in new and unusual situations, we encounter these type of scenarios on the energetic realm, too. I even want to go as far to say that how balanced we are in our energy fields directly correlates to how balanced our imbalanced we will be in our physical fields, too. Meaning if we feel imbalanced physically, most likely it has a few reasons, one of them could very well be that we are being messed with energetically or that our energy field is a bit messed up.

And oftentimes other people or entities like to actually feast off our energy. This in turn can make us very depleted, exhausted and deprived once we went to the grocery store, took public transit, went out to eat or had to go to work. But it does not just stop there. We can even be impacted in front of our computer and cell phone screens, as the EMF radiation and other technology punctures our fields a lot already, too.

Life is not always a balancing act but most of the time it is. And in order to manage our energy, we need to even know that this is even possible - and then we need to know how to do it. The more we practice it, the better we get at it!

There are a few reasons our energy may be imbalanced. Here are some:

  • Being in an unstable and/or traumatizing environment (and moving around a lot can uproot our energy, too).

  • Experiencing EMF radiation and other "unseen" pollution puncturing our energy fields.

  • Dealing with psychic attacks and not shielding ourselves in time.

  • Needing to pull our aura in for it to be ours and ours only.

  • Not having other people be in it and take advantage of our energy fields...

... just to name a few! Managing our energy should be one of the first steps we take on our journey of finding more energetic balance in our lives.

It is therefore part of my psychic protection course and I dedicated an entire module with 5 separate lessons just to this topic alone. Find out how to do so here:

It is great to be able to do removals, cord pulling and all the other things. But the first step should always be finding our energy field. Then we need to assess how balanced or imbalanced it is.

~Laura from Shamanic Self is a certified Shamanic Healer and Practitioner. She offers online courses and digital products that advance you on your spiritual journey.

Learn all about the crucial elements of Shamanism, psychic protection, dealing with energetic interference, doing your own AI removals and much more! Have a look here.

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