We are currently in eclipse season and the most prominent one will occur on April 8th (tomorrow!). Why is this one being so hyped and pushed not only by new age deceivers but also the mainstream news outlets, "science" articles and many more people? Has anyone noticed that both NASA and CERN plan to run "tests" during it?
The more energy is being put into these events by people overall (sleeper agents and more aware people alike), the more they can actually zap said energy from us and put it towards their own agenda. This in turn will feed their astral tech and AI - and many secret parallel realities playing out next to ours (obviously hidden from us with the bare eye).
In my latest video podcast I discuss all about the eclipse. I go through some intuitive insight I received, how it ties into a three-year-timeline, is connected to the deep underground core (Earth's inner core) and how our moods, fears, worries, anxiety are controlled by the tech they are using. Together with the earthquake that occurred here in the North East, it makes a lot of sense.
We are in way more power of our reality, our thoughts and our lives. But of course this is one of the most well-kept secrets by whoever wants to be in charge of this reality (the controllers). That's why it's called the Matrix - which actually translates into "womb" - center of biggest creation, birthing and new life.
If you're curious on how to change your current timeline, be it on a personal or global level or both, or how to work with energy, combat the matrix and do many more things to positively influence your reality, you can learn more in my newest course: Combat the Matrix.
Curious about more eclipse tips? Below is some helpful advice on how to navigate this period. Since we tend to have two important ones each year, I recommend you save these somewhere, as you will be needing it again come September & October, which will start a new cycle or close things out for you from this cycle (depending on the circumstance you are in).
How can you understand and navigate these eclipses better? This might help:
Eclipses bring news of life’s big events.
With all eclipses, something ends and something else begins.
Eclipses will bring a random event you do not expect, didn’t know about. It will be triggered by an event happening elsewhere, and that is completely outside your control, but at eclipse time bring vast changes will come straight to your doorstep.
Eclipses speed your sense of time and change the timetables.
The job of an eclipse is to shine a glaring ray of truth to the part of your life that is being touched, and truth will likely arrive in a startling way.
Take notice of all news and signals you get near an eclipse, and take them seriously, even if news comes as subjective and ambiguous as gossip.
Occasionally, an important person to you will be “eclipsed out” of your life.
Events brought on by an eclipse always have much more weight than events brought on by a normal new or full moon.
Try not to issue ultimatums or make big actions under an eclipse.
At eclipse time, keep your schedule light and elastic. No matter what is on your agenda at the time, something else will come in to demand immediate attention.
~Laura from Shamanic Self is a certified Shamanic Healer and Practitioner. She offers online courses and digital products that advance you on your spiritual journey.
Learn all about the crucial elements of Shamanism, psychic protection, dealing with energetic interference, doing your own AI removals and much more! Have a look here.
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