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Starseed Oracle: Forge, Don't Follow

Laura from Shamanic Self

For today I pulled cards from the Starseed Oracle and these three came out:

1) Forge, don't follow. Not many people have walked your path before. It is therefore crucial to stand in your power and do what you feel is right. There is no one who can walk in your shoes and live your life. You yourself know what is best for you. A lot of you are natural born leaders. You are not here to follow anyone else's journey or path but instead you are here to pave a new one.

2) You got the love. Some of you might be Hadarian Starseeds (watch my Hadarian Starseed video on my Youtube channel, to be released at the end of this week). However, even if you aren't, you got the love around you. Be it from a physical closeness and connectedness with someone or simply because you have a lot of loving and kind energies working with you from the non-physical realm, you are loved always. Even if it might not feel that way sometimes.

3) Deep cellular healing. Some of you might have been flat-out exhausted this week. It's certainly not been the easiest with everything going on and new restrictions happening all over the world. Right now would be an ideal time to take it easy and let the healing happen on a cellular level. Either by taking it easy or doing the things you love - but most of all by extending patience towards yourself and honoring the process and progress you've made so far.

I hope these messages helped you.

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~Laura from Pleiadian Healer is a certified Shamanic Healer and Intuitive Psychic Reader. She gives powerful Shamanic Healing sessions, combining a multitude of techniques. She also provides readings and tarot card readings, giving intuitive psychic insight. Interested in learning these things on your own? Her courses teach how to tap into your own intuition, how to become your own shaman and how to help others and more! Have a look here.

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