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Reviewing Master Sri Arkashana: Mindset Coaches have hit a new low!

Reviewing Master Sri Arkashana: The New Age Has Hit A New Low!

Master Sri Arkashana (formerly known as Eric Ho) seems to be the next pushed leader of fake spirituality, spreading new age concepts and other junk to mislead millions of people.

To this date it is unsure which category he fits in exactly. Perhaps he himself is confused on that, as well (at least I strongly suspect he is!).

He seems to be part of all the "positive mindset" coaches. And a follower of the misleading and toxic "Law of Attraction." All of it combined gets people nowhere and leads them astray even more from their true creation powers and manifestation abilities.

In addition, his message contains almost nothing of substance other than a way to confuse the minds of people following him. Overall, watching this person in action is like a true-life comedy show indeed.

Watch this review to find out what exactly he does and how:

~Laura from Shamanic Self is a certified Shamanic Healer and Practitioner. She offers online courses and digital products that advance you on your spiritual journey.

Learn all about the crucial elements of Shamanism, psychic protection, dealing with energetic interference, doing your own AI removals and much more! Have a look here.

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