This is a quick energy update for May 23, 2019: It’s barely midday here in Sydney and it’s already been a hectic day. How do you recognize high energy days? High energy days are when there is so much happening on an energetic level and in the non-physical realm that it can be felt in our physical bodies and incarnation. We are constantly working in other realms and dimensions, especially when sleeping (hence some people remember their dreams better than others and hence the type of dreams you have can be quite revealing).
On high energy days, we are moving the energy around and holding that light strongly, the meaning of “lightworker” is especially predominant here. On high energy days, we may feel tired and worn out in our physical body. Oftentimes even ungrounded and the day might either drag or come to a close real quick, depending on the type of energy it has.
Today has already felt like two days in one. I’ve been exhausted at noon already (and I won’t blame the jetlag for it). I’ve sensed lots of unsettlement and people being confused, anxious or feeling like “there is something up”. We are ascending and raising awareness on such a rapid level these past few weeks and days, it’s quite astonishing to observe. We are truly in unique and one-of-a-kind times. Today I am simply grateful for my presence here and the role I embody. We are holding the light strongly and finally (!) seeing the results!
(For the other side of the globe, this will be your tomorrow,
May 23, 2019).
I hope this resonates.
Love & Light,
Pleiadian Healer