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Making My First Shamanic Drum...

Laura from Shamanic Self

They say when the medicine needs to find you, it will. For the last few years I had been on the search for a Shamanic Drum. An instrument and tool to add to my sound healing repertoire and for my sessions. This week I created this magnificent piece of sunshine from scratch. The process was healing itself and went over the duration of a few days, including the tanning of the drum hide, putting it together and painting it. The sound of it is deep and tender and quite powerful.

Purchasing a ready-made Shamanic Drum from anyone else didn't fully resonate with me. After assembling this one, I started to understand why. Having my own energy imprint on it when conducting sessions and ceremonies is very important to me. I would recommend this process to any Shamanic Practitioner or Healer. It was not overwhelming at all. The process I learned can even be taught to children or be used in a family activity. It took approx. 3 hours of making the drum. This does not include tanning of the hide and painting, which took a few days of tanning and another hour of painting.

I will also include a free drumming recording in my August newsletter, which will be sent out at the beginning of next week. Make sure to subscribe to it beforehand if you want to receive it. Subscribe through the pop-up form on my website for a monthly update and some tarotscopes later-on this month.

~Laura from Pleiadian Healer is a certified Shamanic Healer and Practitioner. She gives powerful and empowering Shamanic Healing sessions, combining a multitude of healing techniques. She also provides readings and offers her intuitive psychic insight in her sessions. Interested in learning these things on your own? Her courses teach how to tap into your own intuition, how to become your own shaman and how to help others and more! Have a look here.

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