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Join My Shaman's Way Community! Now Live!

Laura from Shamanic Self

Today I launch my long-awaited online safe space and membership. The Shaman's Way Community is a monthly container to learn healing work, dig deeper into your own spirituality and be your limitless self.

Is this you? Do you recognize yourself in any (or all) of the below statements?

  • Have you been looking for a like-minded community to learn more about the path of Shamanism, energy healing and spiritual wisdom?

  • Are you curious about new healing concepts and how to incorporate them into your daily life (such as a vision quest, psychic protection tools etc.)?

  • Do you want to learn hands-on techniques and exercises to expand your repertoire & healing journey and to use in everyday life?

  • Do you desire access and answers to deeper (psychic) insight on important matrix concepts and worldly topics?

  • Do you want to learn in a safe space without fear of being censored, ridiculed or cancelled? A place where you can be free and ask your questions?

Then this community may be the perfect fit for you. What is included? Every month we will:

  • A lesson in the form of an expansive video training on Shamanism

  • A live member's Q&A in the form of a livestream or group call (time will vary each month to fit all time zones and members around the world)

  • A video ceremony, guided Shamanic Journey, powerful sound healing or visualization exercise (will vary each month)

  • A monthly energy forecast and what to expect in the time ahead - typically at the beginning of each month

  • Monthly oracle card pulls - simply submit your pressing matter (your personal psychic reading)

  • A psychic reading on a worldly topic, matrix concept or spirituality in general (submit question)

  • Special & added virtual Shamanic ceremonies for certain events (fall equinox, winter solstice, spring equinox, summer solstice, New Year etc.) - every few months

  • Access to a lively and vibrant forum, in which you can connect with other members, ask your questions and be part of a like-minded community

And more! View the full offerings and information on my community page.

~Laura from Shamanic Self is a certified Shamanic Healer and Practitioner. She offers online courses and digital products that advance you on your spiritual journey.

Learn all about the crucial elements of Shamanism, psychic protection, dealing with energetic interference, doing your own AI removals and much more! Have a look here.

Are you interested in getting to know other valuable spiritual concepts? Sign up for her weekly newsletter, which is all about Shamanism, spirituality, psychic insight and more! Here you will also receive the most current updates, news on session openings and other announcements.


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