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Join Me In My First Monthly Shamanic Circle!

Laura from Shamanic Self

Hello Souls,

​Join Laura from Pleiadian Healer in a monthly Shamanic gathering! This Shamanic circle will be a getting-together of like-minded souls, applying some Shamanic Techniques, discussing ancient practices, sound healing, journeying and more. ​ In this circle we will be holding space during our current turbulent times and learn about a few basic Shamanic and spiritual techniques to keep ourselves grounded in this current reality. We will also do a powerful Shamanic Journey and dive deep into the consciousness that is sometimes not disclosed to us in the physical world. It will also include a few other modalities, such as sound healing and more. It is all about holding space for everyone attending - no judgement intended of wherever people are on their journey and path but rather an open discussion and communication.

This event will be free of charge, however, love donations are always appreciated. In order to sign up, simply go below and select whatever option you feel comfortable with. The event will be recorded and the replay will be available for my Gold Tier on Patreon (or anyone who has made a love donation). Use code "SHAMAN" when checking out to get your FREE (!) event link for the live event. The October date will be: Sunday, October 10, 2021 at 6pm - 7pm EST.

More info here:

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