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Heal Your DNA! (DNA Healing Course)

Laura from Shamanic Self

Learn how to heal your own DNA and restore your divine soul blueprint.

I am ready to convey my knowledge to you. And the best part? This has never been taught before (and you will not find this anywhere else because no one else knows about any of the material)!

For the past half a decade I’ve been digging through the topic of our DNA and how we can effectively heal our own DNA. The year 2020 and on showed me exactly why this knowledge was invaluable: Covid hit and with it a lot of people got the shot. Back then I had I posted a series of videos in 2021 on the shot damage and what the shot does to the soul and DNA (see more here).

It is now time to pass this knowledge on to you! This is the only DNA healing course you will ever find that teaches how you can deal with damage the shot caused. And it covers so much more:

  • Learn why the DNA is so powerful and why it's been under attack in each lifetime we've ever had.

  • Heal your DNA from any vaccine damage (includes the Covid shot)

  • Detox from heavy metals, nano and AI through visualization.

  • Heal your chromosomes from any damage ever done to them.

  • Learn the power of sound and biofield energy tuning.

  • Turbocharge your DNA and get rid of any damage in it.

And so much more!

There is the optional add-on of what I call the absolute HOLY GRAIL of spirituality: Learn how to restore and connect with your divine soul blueprint:

Your soul blueprint is the most powerful tool you can uncover in order to come in alignment with your life and connect with your soul purpose in this lifetime. It is so powerful, you had to hide it before entering this reality! Indeed, once I restored my own soul blueprint, my entire life changed around (more about this in the future). It is deeply connected to your DNA and Birth DNA - this is why it's part of the DNA healing course.

~Laura from Shamanic Self is a certified Shamanic Healer and Practitioner. She offers online courses and digital products that advance you on your spiritual journey.

Learn all about the crucial elements of Shamanism, psychic protection, dealing with energetic interference, doing your own AI removals and much more! Have a look here.

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