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Twin Flame Readings: Starting Off the TF Journey

Pleiadian Healer

I am starting a new series on my Youtube channel called THE TWIN FLAME TAROT CARD READINGS. This will be a weekly or biweekly series regarding current energies and insight on the Twin Flame Connection and the Journey in general. I know this will be helpful to a lot of people.

I am making it available for free on Youtube for the time being. If the feedback is good, I might come up with more readings and pull them over on a Patreon or Youtube membership page (for a small fee in exchange for my energy updates).

The twin flame journey has been very present in my life for the past year or longer. The more I discover about this topic, the more I feel I am getting close to the union point / soul merge. I have learned so much about my own self just by meeting my twin flame and being in touch. However, I know this is not an easy journey. A lot of people will desire more information on this topic and my guides are willing to provide some guidance and view points in regards to this very interesting topic. I am excited to be a part of the journey. I will have more videos available on this topic (once my video light arrives...!). Until then, I will provide some weekly tarot card readings and more insight through my Youtube Lives.

Comment on the video to let me know if you enjoyed this reading.

With love & light,

Pleiadian Healer

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