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Full Moon on July 16: Clarity, Release and Revelation

Pleiadian Healer

The full moon is a time of huge shifts and also turmoil. During this time, we are presented with the opportunity to release the past. To feel lighter and to get going on our path. While karmic contracts might have weighed us down before, we are now able to sever these much better than before.

This full moon in particular is all about revelations. What is being revealed to us? What is the universe showing us? Is it clarity on a situation, circumstance, person or perhaps a pattern that we have been nurturing within us for a long time but that has outrun its course and purpose? Meditate and go deep within to find what it is you can find clarity and revelation on. Going with the cycles of nature is giving us the opportunity to align to our true selves and re-calibrate ourselves to what we believe we want to become.

It's oftentimes not about the overall picture but the very first step in this direction. Finding clarity through stillness and action - a theme for the upcoming time ahead.

Love & Light,

Pleiadian Healer

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