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Laura from Shamanic Self
Nov 7, 20212 min read
Making A Shamanic Drum
This is the second drum I’ve made. I’m getting good at this! This time I tanned it in blueberry juice. I love how purple it turned out. The

Laura from Shamanic Self
Aug 6, 20212 min read
What Makes Shamanic Drumming So Special?
What makes sound healing so special? Why have drums been around for so long and belong to one...
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What Are Fake 5D Ascension Symptoms?
What are fake 5D ascension symptoms and what is really happening? The New Age LOVES to promote the concept of ascension, 5D, New Earth - you

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What Are The Ten Hours Of Power Of Your Solar Return?
What are your 10 hours of power and how can you make the most of this powerful time of year?

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Why Calling In Angels, Archangels and Spirit Guides Is Detrimental
Both the New Age (Trap) and religion like to promote calling in all kinds of entities, which you are then to rely on instead of being a powe
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