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Pleiadian Healer
Jun 12, 20191 min read
Short Energy Update for the Week of June 11
This week has barely started and it’s been all about sitting in a whole new energy already. Today is indeed one of those days during...
Pleiadian Healer
Apr 28, 20192 min read
Being in 5D: Living Your Most Authentic Life
I’ve been feeling a real pull from 3D this past week. Old people reaching out, random people being upset at me, other people unloading...
Pleiadian Healer
Apr 14, 20192 min read
New Earth and Old Earth: Dark Matter Holding Onto Planet Earth
I received a visual during my morning meditation this weekend and decided to share it. In my vision, a part of Planet Earth was flowing...
Pleiadian Healer
Mar 20, 20192 min read
Spring Equinox: First Day of a New Cycle
It’s spring. Finally! Exactly one year ago I was in Sedona, AZ for the very first time. I was just starting my path of self-healing and...
Pleiadian Healer
Sep 9, 20182 min read
9-9-9: A New Path Ahead
Today is another powerful date: 9-9-9 (18=8+1=9). This transformational summer is slowly coming to an end and today marks the day on...
Featured Posts:
5 min read
What Are Fake 5D Ascension Symptoms?
What are fake 5D ascension symptoms and what is really happening? The New Age LOVES to promote the concept of ascension, 5D, New Earth - you
6 min read
What Are The Ten Hours Of Power Of Your Solar Return?
What are your 10 hours of power and how can you make the most of this powerful time of year?
8 min read
Why Calling In Angels, Archangels and Spirit Guides Is Detrimental
Both the New Age (Trap) and religion like to promote calling in all kinds of entities, which you are then to rely on instead of being a powe
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