Learn The Akashic Tarot: The Full Deck!
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Latest Posts:
Twin Flame Journey: Weekly Readings (Follow the Magic!)
Akashic Tarot: Manifestation, Setting Your Course and Adsum (I am present)
Twin Flame Readings: Starting Off the TF Journey
Akashic Tarot: Take Your Time, Self-Love and Inner Wisdom
Akashic Tarot: Ascending and Commitment
Akashic Tarot: Three Cards for the Collective
Akashic Tarot: Queen of Scrolls and 1 of Roses
Akashic Tarot: Archangel Michael & Archangel Raphael
Akashic Tarot: Karmic Trench & Winged Messengers
Akashic Tarot: Reflection and Queen of Roses
Akashic Tarot: 3 of Forces & Queen of Roses
Akashic Tarot: Number 12: The Scribe
Akashic Tarot: Clearing The Way (4 of Keys)
Akashic Tarot: Up in the Air
Akashic Tarot: 4 of Roses: Views of the Ego
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